I see I've peaked your curiosity with my little bunch of keys LOL. Well here are a couple of sneaky peeks so that you can see that I'm working hard on this little project .... I'm loving how it's turning out so far, the fabrics I'm using are simply delish - 'Sweet Love' by Maywood!!!

Do you think you know what it might be??????

Hmmmm, a bit of stitchery, a bit of applique' .... but where are the keys???? Oh I'll be using them ... I just haven't got that far yet ;o). I have a full day of stitching ahead of me today so I'm hoping to get it finished - fingers crossed :o).
Here's a little gadget that I treated myself to last week. Isn't it sweet!!?!? I love anything wood ;o). This is perfect for me in my small sewing area ... it's got a little 'peeper hole' in the end - you know, the sort you have in the door to see who's on the other side. That way I can hold it up to my eye and see my quilt layout from a distance without having to stand far away from it!!!

Now, how clever is that!!!! One of my friends at quilting brought some along last week as her husband had made them and she was selling them ... so I pounced on this one :o).
DD2 is getting much better after her awful fall ... as you can see she's still got the brace on, she has another 3 weeks of wearing that (day and night - yuk), but it hasn't stopped her doing the things she likes. Here she is cooking dinner for us, the hand is up because the bacon (apparently) "bit" her LOL. Suspecting it spat a little - he he ... ya get that ;o).

Dinner was delicious by the way, we had Fettucini Carbonara with chicken ...... Mmmmmm, YUM!!!!!!!! ................ Thanks Bear :o)!!!
Hope you're all having a fabulous week - I'm off to do some stitching :o).
very sneaky peeks Joy. Looking lovely. Can't wait to see what you've done with those keys. :) Glad to see DD2 is doing well. I like you new little gadget. Hugs, Jeanette
Oh Joy your sneaky peeks look delish alright :) Did I tell you I have some old keys too...been collecting them from about 20 yrs ago now..I love them and should dig them out and take a photo for you.hugs Vicki
I think it looks absolutely darling - could it be a key keeper? Love your nifty little gadget.
Another 3 weeks of a brace...sigh. At least she's getting around ok!
Love your stitching and your new little gadget.
Nice to see your DD2 is up and at 'em and cooking no less.
So cute Joy. I have seen the little eye glass things at the quilt shops. They are so cool. Have fun with that.
Great little gadget Joy....just what we all need I think and your sneaky peaks look very interesting, I guess time will tell..glad to see that DD2 is doing well..
Hello gorgeous!
Those sneak peeks look as delicious as your dinner sounded! I've just purchased some of the same fabric - it's so sweet! I can't wait to see what you've been up to!
Love to Bear! xx
Vik xoxo
yumm, dinner sounds good - am sooo hungry !!! love your little gadget, what a clever idea! wouldn't be a key keeper thingy would it?
'Sweet love' suggests keys to your heart perhaps???? Whatever it is, it looks like it's going to be very delish!!! My son loves cooking too, but usually things like chocolate brownies that he eats all by himself!!!! hehehe
havent seen the wooden thingy anywhere up here....would buy one if I saw one!!! they look great!
sugary hugs
Wendy B XXX 'o)
You're sneaky peek is beautiful! And wow -- that peep hole idea is fantastic -- I'll have to suggest those to bigdaddy -- maybe he could make some for my mom and I!
Your stitching looks very pretty. I really like your viewing gadget. What a clever idea.
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