The strangest thing happened on Friday night … my voice decided to take a holiday. I’m not kidding, I had to do the show – 2 days of it anyway – with a squeaky “Minnie Mouse” type voice Eeek!!! Happy to say it seems to be on it’s way back now, but it certainly made it difficult trying to chat to everyone.
Kez from Giggle Buttons popped in to say G’day which was lovely as I haven’t seen her for absolutely ages……. No piccy though as I’m such a slacker – although Kez has heaps on her facebook page so go and have a look there ;o).
I was also very lucky to meet some blogging friends over the weekend too. I didn’t get a piccy of Gill and I together - she only arrived in Brisbane on Saturday (all the way from UK!!!!), and bless her quilty heart she was at the show visiting on Sunday!!! What a dear lady she is too, we had such a lovely chat!! Gill if you’re reading this please email the piccy your gawjus daughter took of us both so that I can show it off to everyone ;o).
And just look at the beautiful goodies Gill gave me ….. now how kind is that??!!
Well I’d better be off, there’s still loads of mess in my cave … so much to put away **sigh**. Oh, but before I go … a bit more exciting news, I have one of my designs in the latest issue of “Homespun”!!! I just love this magazine and when I saw it in the newsagents with my bag on the cover I couldn’t get to the cash register with it quick enough lol.
I have to say, it really is a fabulous issue just crammed with lots of delicious designs, all pretty and romantic – they made my bag looks just lovely hanging on that old fashioned chair :o).
Here’s one of my faves from this issue – Melissa Grant’s stunning Royal Peonies cushion, I think I'll have to make this one!!!
how about this adorable sewing set by Lisa Pyke of Cubby House Crafts …
this cute stitchery by Julie Lovell of Calico Farm Designs with some of Kez’ gawjus buttons on it …
And now … even if you don’t live in Australia … you can get this magazine online in digital format, just pop here for details!!
Ok well I’m really going this time LOL ….. seeyasoon…
A fabulous weekend, your stand looks great too. Wish I'd been there too.
How I wish I could have popped in too, your booth looks wonderful!!! Lovely gifts from Gill. Congratulations on your gorgeous bag being on the cover, that's my favorite magazine, they just have the best designers, don't they? And you're one of them!!!!
G'day. Your stand looks lovely. Homespun is my favourite mag. I never fail to get it. Will be looking forward to seeing your bag on the cover and all of the other goodies that are in it. Take care. Liz...
Your booth looks fantabulous... glad you had a wonderful time.... I am always in anticipation for my Homespun to arrive and I love seeing the designers i "know" .... I was lent a Decorative Patchwork with a crazy patch bag of yours in which is super lovely too....
Oh Joy the stands look is a shame we are so far away...
So glad to hear your voice is coming back Joy and your booth looks Ab Fab!! Congrats dear one on being a cover girl!! Woo the bag..I am off to the newsagents today to get my copy of the mag. Hugs Vicki x
Your stand looks fab as always, such talent. Homespun is the only mag l purchase at the moment. Love your bag on the cover.
How pretty is your stall Joy...well done .glad you enjoyed you weekend
Your Stall looked Wonderful Joy..sorry to hear you lost your Voice...
You stand looked great Joy - Glad it was a huge success. I got my copy of Homespun today and just adore your bag.
Hugs - Fee XX
Your stand looks "gawjus". What a lot of work you have done to put it all together. It must have been fun catching up with everyone, especially Gill. Enjoy your girls day out.
.Quilt shows are great fun. Your stand looks terrific.. Hope your voic has recovered. Beautiful gifts from a lovely lady
Your bag looks divine Joy, I'll have to get myself a copy. Well done.
Thank you so much Joy for your kind words! Congratulations on having your bag in Homespun, it just gorgeous!
Hi Joy!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on your lovely bag in Homespun - it looks fab on the cover!!
best wishes always
Catherine ox
PS wow look at your stand - you have been busy ;-)
I saw your bag in Homespun Joy. It is absolutely beautiful. Will have to add it to my to do list.
Oh my goodness, I loved your bag in are so talented and very patient I think!
I also adore Melissa's work, in fact that whole issue of Homespun is gorgeous!
Kiss Noises Linda
Hello joy Gill here! I had a wonderful time meeting you too, your stand was great, I could,t believe I was really there talking to you. I am well and truly over the jet lag now and my feet haven,t touched since I landed!I will be in touch when we get back from Noosa, I am so looking forward to seeing you again...with a clear head this time, LOL xxx
Joy I grabbed this issue of homespun and was admiring the pattern for the bag then realised it was yours! Its on my to do list. Shame I didnt know about the quilt extravaganza before or I could have organised a visit
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