Well if you’re a regular reader of my little blog I’m sure you’ve seen me waxing lyrical over this little darling …
I love mine cos it can cut my cutting time down by SO much!!
Well if you’re a regular reader of my little blog I’m sure you’ve seen me waxing lyrical over this little darling …
And guess what??!!!
I’ve been given the go ahead by the very generous people from Accuquilt to GIVE ONE AWAY ON MY BLOG!!!!!!!!!
Yep ….. you too could own one of these brilliant little cutters, and all you have to do is leave a comment on my blog.
Can you believe it?????
It’s that easy :o)
One comment = one entry – no double ups, no special requests, just one little comment on this post :o)
(any duplicate comments will be removed).
But that’s not all …. they’ll even give you 3 dies to get you started too!!!!
So go ahead and leave a comment – you’ve got nothing to lose – and you could win your very own GO! BABY - WOOHOO!!!!! :o)
I'll draw the lucky winner's name at 8pm on Monday 28th November - one week from today (that's Brisbane Australia time).

I dont really want to be number one to leave a comment, but am so excited at thought of winning one that I just could not
Thanks for the chance to win one.
Wow, this baby is welcome at any crafting home :-) Thank you for the chance to win :-)
Whoo Hoo,thankyou for a chance Joy
What a fabulous little machine....Thank you for the chance of winning one - what a 'Joy' that would be....
yep, I'd love to win one of these!
If I keep trying, one of these days I may win one of these little goodies! Thanks for the chance!
I'd love to win on----all the things I could do-----endless. Thanks for the chance.
Cross my fingers and hope to win. That would make me a very happy girl :)
Thanks for the chance! I just saw a quilt with circles that would be so easy with this.
I wish, I wish, I wish it's my turn to win.
Thanks for the lovely giveaway. i would love one of these
I rarely enter give aways but I'd really like one of these! As my son-in-law says "I'm gonna win!" (I hope.)
I'd love to win one of these,what a time saver it would be.Thanks for the chance :) Barb.
OOh, I have been drooling over this little machine for quite some time ;-) Would love to have one, thanks for the opportunity ;-)
Hi Joy - yep it could definitely come and live at my place! Thanks for the opportunity of being int he running
Being able to cut down on the cutting out time ( the bit I don't like so much) would be wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity Joy.
I would love to have one of these. Oh, the time I could save. They have so many dies I want.
Good luck to all. (espically, me!) LOL!
I've been dieing to get one so thank you for the chance! Now I cross my fingers and hope I'm the lucky winner :)
Count me in! Thanks.
Thank you for the chance to win. I love the hexagon table topper.
Hi Joy.
I will be more tan happy to welcome this little beauty to Norway and my home :-)
Wow Joy, It is amazing how generous accuquilt is with providing so many Go Babies for giveaways.
Love what you and others have done with your machines, it sure would be good to be able to use one.
Hugs xx
HI Joy
That is wonderful that Accuquilt have given you a GoBaby to give away. It would be great to win one. You will be swamped with entries I am certain.
Accuquilt has cerainly been generous with sponsoring give-aways this year. And what fun for everyone!
Sounds awesome Joy,
Hugs, Sharon
Those people at Accuquilt sure are generous to have so many giveaways!! And the new dies are wonderful and exciting too.
Oh how awesome, I've been cautiously curious about these since I couldn't justify the outlay and didn't want to fall too hard for one!! Needless to say, I'd be over the moon with one of these machines! Thanks!!
Thank you for the chance to win. I know it will certainly be put to good use if it finds its way to my home :)
Oh my I would love one ,this company is so generous ,send it to my house please .
Thanks for the chance to win. I'm not much of a quilt maker but I'd share it around at my quilt group if I won, as the older members make lots of quilts but some of them take longer to cut them now as their arthritis etc makes it difficult.
I am sure that a Go baby would love to come to live at my place. I promise I'll look after it very well.
Joy I have seen this little Baby in action and they are wonderful. It would be fantastic to have one of my own.
thank you for a chance to win one.
What a great giveaway! this baby would be welcome at my house! thanks!
Woo hoo! I just know I'm going to win one some day. Maybe my luck will change now.
Wonderful! I've tried so many times to win one of these helpful babys. Fingers crossed for this time. Thanks. Tracee xx
I would love to have this BABY to help me reduce some of my stash. Thanks for offering the giveaway.
Yay! Another chance to win a Go! Baby!!! Maybe one day I will win one. Thank you for the chance.
Ooh very exciting indeed!!
Oh Boy, would I love to win one of these.
Thanks for the chance.
Oooh, what I couldn't do with one of these!! Thanks for the opportunity.
Wouldn't it be lovely to own one of these, I could sure use some help to do all that cutting .Thanks for the chance .
Oh what a wonderful early Christmas present that would make some lucky person. Thanks..
Go Baby go that is what I would be doing with one of these. Super quick cutting and so much more done in my precious patchwork time :-)
Fingers and toes crossed.
I would love to win this giveaway...I have a granddaughter that wants to learn to sew and at age 10, I don't really trust her with a rotary cutter...
Oh boy oh boy!
I would soooo love to win one of these and I even know which quilt I would make first...the fabric is ready and waiting.
Thankyou for the chance Joy :o)
Wow! What an awesome giveaway. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Oh wow! imagine what gorgeous things you could make with this clever little machine!
Owning one of those little beauties would be such a bonus to my sewing time, I might even have enough time left over to actually get more things finished.
Thanks for the chance sweetie.
hugs _ Miche'le xx
Hello Joy,
Oh that is wonderful. You have made some beautiful projects with your Go Cutter so far. Thanks so much for the opportunity to be in stitching heaven.
happy days.
Thanks for this chance to win a Baby Go, Joy. I've been trying so hard to win one...maybe this time.
Well! Thank you Joy and thank you Accuquilt for the chance to win one of these babies!
Hi Joy, Like all of the other ladies, I would love to win one of these little beauties! Maybe your blog will be the lucky one for me? Finger and toes crossed. Sandy. :)
How exciting! I've been admiring this product from afar!
That would be fun! Thanks for the chance to win.
I'm one of the lucky ones who already has a Baby Go but I'd love to win one to give to my quilting guild for use in making community quilts.
Hi, I have really enjoyed visiting your blog. What a great give away! Someone will be a very lucky winner:)
Thanks so much.
Hi Joy
Thankyou for the chance to win this baby go
What a lovely early Christmas pressie for one lucky stitcher!!
What a great giveaway! I would love to win one of these!
These Go Baby cutters look so much fun. Please add me to your generous giveaway.
Its gotta be my turn to win something luck to all..hugs Khris
I've heard so many good things about this cutter...I'd love to win!
What a great christmas present that would be. Thanks for the chance.
Oh how lovely, I wouldn't mind having a go with one of those gadgets, thanks for the chance Joy.
Oh Joy.......I've got all my fingers and toes crossed. This would be wonderful to win for Christmas!
I would love to win my problem is cutting out and baby would solve all my problems wait a minute not all my problems but some of them.
Hugs Mary.xx
Thank you for making entering so easy and for the great giveaway! I have wanted one for a long time. I enjoy reading your blog. I don't comment often but I always look forward to your posts.
I would love to win a GO Baby. I have wanted one for quite a while. Have a good one.
Hi Joy, I've been dieing to get my hands on one of these, so thanks for the opportunity with the give away
It would be awesome to win one of these! Would be a great Christmas Present to myself. Thanks for the opportunity.
wow..another chance to win one of these! Thanks for this
Thank you for the chance to winning this babe!!
Hugs, Sue from Cyprus x x x x
Oh how I would LOVE to hae one of these!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gosh they are generous I really hope I can win this time pullease be my lucky number
Hey Joy-Belle! Love your new font ... very cute! :0) Sounds like you've been having fun with your new gadget ... Perhaps I shouldn't win it cos I'll end up having to much fun cutting with it and never get around to sewing! Tee! Hee! Hee! Hope you're having a great start to your week - Bear Hugs! KRIS
Oh I would love to have one of these Babies! Thanks so much for the chance!
what are you using it for most.........
It is like groundhog day...I keep entering giveaways for this fabulous GoBaby, but no luck.
I shall keep trying - thank you :)
Would love to enter the draw for this fabulous machine.
Thanak you,
What a fabulous prize - I have been wanting one of these for a while - thanks for the chance to win.
How generous. I'd love to win. You seem to be having great fun with it.
What have you named your baby go Joy?
Gosh, what a fantastic givaway, thank you for giving us this chance.
Thanks Joy for the chance to win. Might quicken up my Christmas pressies !!!
Love Gill x
I would love to win, it would be a lovely christmas present.
Wow bet you didn't know you had so many 'lurking' in the background! I'm one of them, but would love one of these little 'babies'.
What a fantastic opportunity - I could cut up all those odd bits & pieces I keep. Thanks Joy.
WOW Would LOVE the chance to win and have a play, have seen the Go around Blogland and would love to have a try out with one.
I too have been drooling over this. I hope I win it!! I can dream right? :)
Ohh! So exciting. Would love to win the little Baby. Thank you. C
I would love to win this wonderful machine. Thanks for the chance.
I am fascinated by these little machines. Would love, love, love to win one. Thanks for the opportunity to win. So much fun!
I would love a chance to win! I am from the US and don't have a blog but certainly love reading them! I am so impressed with Australian quilters...maybe because my name is Sydney!!!
Oh Joy... and that is exactly what it would be Joy to be able to use one of these little cuties.... That is my main problem the cutting... I am terrible at it... LOL
Cath Ü
I've been drool, drooling, over these little beauties, so sure would love to win one. Thanks,Joy,for hosting this lovely giveaway.
I've been looking at Go for a long time. Some quilts are just to hard for me to cut out all those pieces. With this little goody I could. I hope you pick me. Thank you for the giveaway.
Wowee how amazing! Just think of how much time it will save and how many more quilts i could make. Aweesome ! Xxxx
would be fun play with it and excited win it.Thanks for the chance.
HI Joy - You sent me a Christmas gift last year and it would be really great if I got another one from you this year! Keeping my fingers crossed....
Would love to win one , Oh the possibilities with it...thanks for the chance.
Thanks for the chance to win one of these little beauties, I have everything crossed....
Lorraine C. :)
From one Joy to another, WOW, what a great prize. Many thanks to both you and the makers / distributors of the Go! Baby.
I drop by each week to see what you have to say for yourself. It's part of my 'chill therapy'. Always leave feeling inspired to get in there and tackle my latest project.
Blessings to you and your family, Joy
Joy,what a wonderful giveaway! I have often drooled over that machine! So count me in for a chance.
Thanks for entering me into your give away.I would love to win one of these. I have seen them demonstrated
and fell in love with the idea of owning one 'one day'
Wohooo! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful gadget. As a hand piecer this would greatly reduce the time it takes for me to make a quilt and be less strain on my hands too. Angel hugs.
Thanks Joy. it is great of the company and you to give us a chance to own one of these.
What a lovely treat! Thanks for the chance to own such an amazing creative tool!
Best wishes,
Ohhh Joy November is my lucky and special month so i hope that i can win this wonderful little Go Baby as i could then make some of the wonderful things that all you girls are making. I just love your little mat with the hexies and triangles. I have everything crossed.
I love this little "machine". and I know some in my family who will like one, and all the lovely dies for me..... I really want to win this.
Thanks for this lovely give away....
oh Joy I would love to be in the draw for this amazing giveaway
I have seen these on lots of fantastic blogs and would love to give one a new home
hugs Beth
I would love to win one of these, does a 33rd wedding anniversary seem like a good excuse for something special. I think so!
Have a good meetup on Sunday
Hu Joy... What a wonderful giveaway... I have never used a Go Baby ... I would love to have one.. Love you blog and enjoying all your post...Hugs to you as well:)
Cutting is my least favorite thing about quilting, so it would be awesome to have a Go! Baby!!! It's just amazing how many of these Accuquilt has given away. Thanks for the chance to win one!
Thanks for the chance to win. Any help with cutting sounds good to me. Looking forward to Sunday.
Oh yes please!! Cutting is so time consuming and more boring than ironing. I just want to hurry up and get to the piecing stage!
Oh Baby, Baby!! Love a wee one!! Thanks for the chance!
Yes please pleases please please
love your blog
Wow. Looks like a great giveaway ... thank you.
Wow, thanks for the opportunity to win a great gadget!
I would really love to win the Go! Baby. I have been coveting one for a while now. :-) Thank you for the chance to win one. Take care and God bless, Cory
Oh yes! I've coveted one of these for a long time. And I have a perfect place in my studio for one! Wonderful giveaway!
Thanks, Eileen
Thanks Joy for such a lovely chance to win such a beautiful prize. Val B
Wow, I would love to win one of these, I have seen some fabulous things done with them.
Thanks for the opportunity, I would love to win, Cheers
Thank you Joy for the chance to win this fabulous Go!Baby. I have watched it in action and know what a time saver it would be. Good luck to all. Cheers, Janette.
Oh how I wish for one of these GO! Babies and how I would GO GO BABY with one of these... thank you Joy for the wonderful chance to try and win one xxx
I love the Go! Baby! and would love to win one! Thanks for a chance! I love your are so creative...I love your things that you do!
ashmore dot cheryl at yahoo dot com
Would love one of these babies! I have to cut a LOT of little squares and this would make it a breeze. Please put my entry in. Thanks
Wow! What an awesome giveaway. I would love to have one, please pick my name will you, please, please, please ;-)
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Wow What a fantastic giveaway Thanks Joy.
My friend has one of these and I was lucky enough to see it in action:) Thanks for the chance to win one.:)
I love your blog and would love to win your giveaway! Thanks so much.
Count me in chick!
Great giveaway, and thank you for the opportunity!
Keeping my fingers crossed....would LOVE to win this!
Hope I'm not too late! I don't know the time difference between here and there......
ooh! i would love the chance to win one of my very own. i recently used the one at my local shop and the process was so speedy. the quilt turned out awesome too, so of course I want to make more!!
I am the worst cutter in the whole world so I would love to win this !
Thanks so much for the chance.
Oh Joy can't beleive I haven't put an entry in yet! I've been eyeing off the 5" squares, circle and funky flower dies!
Thank you for the chance to win :o)
This sure would be a nice Christmas present!
I saw one of these in use at the recent Craft fair held in Adelaide and was most impressed. This is a fantastic offer thank you Joy for the opportunity to win one.
Ooh, would love one of these, they look fabulous.
Oh Joy. I would love a chance to win one of these machines. They look so good.
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