On a brighter note though .... I want to THANK each and EVERY ONE of you for the comments you've left on my giveaway!!! Oh my goodness you stitchers have just blown me away. I'm so pleased that you're enjoying what my gorgeous Nutter friends and I have been doing, we're having such fun too :o)!! So even though I haven't been able to reply to you all personally ... please know that I'm absolutely chuffed to bits - in fact we all are - by the fabulous response from everyone in blogland :o)!!!
Don't forget the fabulous giveaway over on Vik's blog Sew Useful Designs. Vik is giving away these fabulous prizes ..... EVERYONE knows I'm a HUGE fan of Bronwyn Hayes - oh how I love her work :o)!! Well looky here stitchers ..... Vikki is actually going to giveaway this gorgeous BH pattern "Gingham Girls Carryall"!!!

But look, there's more .... (no, don't go searching for the ' free steak knives' he he he). You could also receive "Shabby Stitches" by Tracy North - I have this book and it's gorgeous so I know you'll love it too :o)!! AND ... the "Simple Stitches needlecase" pattern by the fabulous Lynette Anderson WITH the house button too!!!
Good luck with Vista Joy...I'll stick to XP!..
I think DH will deserve a big slice of that cake when he's finished!..
Julia ♥
good luck joy! we had the same dramas when we bought a new pc. i'm not the smartes cooking in the box when it comes to 'puters either. ended up buying an external hard drive and boy, did that make life SO much easier! transfers were a breeze. always great to have everything backed up on one of those too. i do have to say though, that regardless of different opinions about vista, we've found it is SO much better than xp, and we'll never go back.
have fun!
Oh how I hate Vista - my son has it on his computer, and he's finally used to it. My dh did say he had the option of installing XP on it, but he figured he'd give it a go. I don't know if he ever did get his files transferred - his old computer crashed so bad.
Absolutely bake that man a cake. *G*
Thinking of you honey... I was like you when we converted from 98 to xp..... you'll get used to it and eventually we will have to as well and we'll call you for advise..he he
Hugs and Blessings
Dawn x x
I have to agree with everyone else on this stick with XP vista is the worst. DH will need more than cake at the end of it I think.
Good Luck
Big Hugs
My computer is fairly new, Joy and I stayed with XP - got lots of opinions first. Also, I have an external hard-drive and that was so useful - mind you dear so-in-law did most of it for me. Practice makes perfect! Did you bake the cake, looks yummo!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Hola, Joy!!! JAJAJA!!! De Windows Vista ni idea ... pero puedo comer un pedazo de torta??? Quisiera ser DH! JAJAJA!! Buena semana! Muchos BESOTES!!!
Dear Joy, the moment you mentioned VISTA my heart went out to you and DH. I just got a new computer and was lucky to be able to stay with XP would not have got a new one if i had to go to VISTA. Big hugs going your way today.
Guuaaauuu Joy!!!
Y si me mandas un trozo de esa torta???
Se ve fantástica!!!
I am a little bit late in joining and becoming a follower of 'Among the Gumtrees", but better late than never and you can blame it on modern technology. My internet is playing up. But I have done it, yay!!!
Joy hope you get your puter worked out soon.
Hugs Mary.
Good luck with vista - I keep hearing that people have lots of trouble changing over to it and then using it.
Computers use up alot of time don't they!
Oh Joy, I loved Vista when I got it on my new computer (I must be weird!!) but I had to change back to XP because it wasn't compatible with our work computers...now I keep getting error messages, so i know what you mean! *grrrrrrrrr*
Can I have a piece of your cake too??!!!
XX ;o) Wendy B
Hi Joy...love your new look blog. The header is soooo dreamy. Only thing I would like to comment on is the music lines in the background. The pink is lovely, but the music image makes it hard to seperate the words from it. My vision of course makes it worse...I get very dizzy when I scroll down. Thought you might like to know though as it may affect others too.
Hey, I'm thinking you should go sign up under "Nellie Newcomputer"! Hope your computer gets sorted out soon!
I have Vista and I love it. I think once you get used to it, you will never want to go back to XP.
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