The giveaway prize from my little (Joy)Patch is this bundle of goodies ;o) .....

1) Leave a comment here - then put the "Among the Gum Trees" blog button (above) on your blog sidebar and link it back to our "Among the Gum Trees" Blog.
2) Become a follower of Among the Gum Trees blog.
and - if you.....
3) Become a follower of JoyPatch and leave a comment here on this blog to let me know you've done all of that you'll get your 3rd entry in the giveaways.
You only have to add the button once to get that 1 extra entry in all the giveaways, but you must let me know in your comment here that you've done all of these things.
There are 9 Gum Tree Designers and we'll be popping in to check your blogs to see if you have added our "Gum Trees" button to your sidebar :o).
So go on then .... check out all of the other fabulous giveaways by going the the "Among The Gumtrees" blog and clicking on each designer's button to visit their blog. You can also find out a little more about each of these lovely ladies by clicking on their picture :o).
Have fun!!!!!!
1 – 200 of 350 Newer› Newest»I am very excited about your new blog. Good Luck. And I am following your blog now.
How exciting to all of you I am a follower on both and have posted the button on my blog hoping to win one of them. Thanks
Joy I have done all three. Please include me in the giveaway.
Hi Joy, i've done all the requirements. Even posted about the new blog on a Yahoo group i'm in. Please count me in. Hugs, Jeanette
I have already done all three...last night!! I was so excited about your new venture!
How exciting is this! I've added the button to my blog, become a follower of Gum Tree and also a follower of your blog - which I'm very happy to make acquaintance with!
I've become a follower of Gum Trees blog and a follower of your blog. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win all the great prizes!
Gail (
Hi, Joy! I'm following the Gum Trees blog, and I put the button on my side bar. I'm following your blog too!
I have just become a follower of your blog! Well done on being one of the nine gum-nutters!
And I am a follower of The Gum Tree - can't wait for the freebie patterns to be released in October.
And I have the button on the sidebar of my blog.
Hi Joy! Thanks for the great giveaway! I have the Gum Tree button posted on my blog already! :0)
Me again! I'm a follower of the Gum Tree blog too! Thanks again! :0)
I've always followed your blog Joy but now I'm an official follower! Thanks again for everything you guys are doing! :0)
Creo que he cumplido con todos los requisitos...he puesto en la barra lateral el logo con el enlace, he publicado una entrada y me he hecho seguidora....
Espero poder participar, los regalos son fabulosos...
Congratulations on this wonderful new venture for Aussie designers!!! I already am a Follower...and the button is on my sidebar...Thank you for this wonderful giveaway♥x
I have always been a follower of you. I am also a follower of the new website and have posted the button on my blog.
Sandy N
Hi Joy, Please give me 3 entries, 1 for my comment, 2 for adding the Gumtrees button to my BLOG and 3 for being a follower to your BLOG. Thankyou so much for your generous and gorgeous giveaway. Cheers
Hello Joy,
Another Joy here :) I have done all three and am very excited about the launch of the new blog :)
Hi Joy, I have become a follower of your blog, also Among the gum trees. Can't do the sidebar button yet as my blog isn't up and running yet!
What a fabulous giveaway, will keep my fingers, toes, eyes, crossed LOL.
I have the button on my blog and am a follower of the Gum Trees.
What a great idea you have all had. I am a new follower of both Gum Nuts and your self and posted the badge on my side bar. Great giveaway by the way Happy stitching from New Zealand
This is a great idea you ladies are going to get a ton of traffic from this!! I have posted the Gum Tree button on my blog with a link and also am a follower of Gum Tree and Joy Patch. :-)
WOW Joy how generous. Please enter me in this draw
I am a follower of your blog and Among th eGum trees.
I have blogged about the new venture and added the button to my blog. Will post about the giveaway later today.
I have done the three Joy....this is all just so exciting and all the give-a-ways are just so very generous..
Hi! I've done all three requirements, and absolutely love all the blogs already - some I've visited many times before, others are new but already loved! Thank you for including us in the celebrations with your giveaway x
Hi Joy
I'm following you and the Gum tree blog. This is great fun. I'm so glad you girls got together for this.
Oops I forgot to say that button is attached and working.
Hello! What a wonderful giveaway. This is such a fun idea!
I am a follower of your blog and of the Gum Tree blog.
I have the Gum Tree button on my blog linked back to you lovely ladies.
And here's my comment to say Thank You! ☺
THANK you ALL GUM TREE or NUTTERS as I've seen. All requiments are met!
oh Joy wow this is soo amazing I have done all the things listed so please enter me in your draw hugs Beth
Hola, Joy!
Muchas gracias por tanta generosidad!
Por favor, anóteme a su sorteo con 3 entradas (soy seguidora de ambos blogs, puse el botón en la barra lateral y hoy publiqué la gran noticia en mi blog)!!!
Google Traductor: "Hello, Joy!
Thank you very much for such generosity!
Please anóteme your drawing with 3 inputs (I'm fan of both blogs, I put the button in the sidebar and I published the big news today on my blog)!
Thank you all for this chance. I've added your button to my blog, I've bleated about it in a post, I'm now following the Gumtrees blog and I'm a new follower to this blog. I guess I'll have to allocate more time to my blog-reading schedule to keep up with it all!
your new friend - bronny
This looks like an exciting new venture with "Gum Tree Designers".
1. I have posted the "Among The Gum Trees" button on my blog sidebar.
2. I've become a follower of "Among The Gum Trees"
3. I've become a follower of your blog also.
jwsmoore at bordernet dot com dot au
I'd love to be entered in your giveaway and have put the button on the sidebar of my blog,
Lotta in Sweden
Back again to let you know that I follow your blog through Google Reader,
Lotta in Sweden
Sweden calling again to tell that I also follow the new Gum Tree blog through Google Reader,
Lotta in Sweden
I am a new follower of your blog.
I added the Among the Gum Trees button to my blog with the connection.
I am a follower of Among the Gum Tree blog.
I am following your blog now! thanks to Among the Gum Trees! which I also follow.. and well as for that button I dont know how to put it in my blog (it seriously took me a week just to figure out how to follow people) so... Ill spread the word until I can figure it out :)
Button, follower of all the blogs and leaving a comment - how much fun this is and what a great blog site you have!
Congratulation to you all. What a great giveaway. I would love to win this one.
Me again :) Have put the among the gum tree button on my blog sidebar and that gives an extra entry.
And me again. I am a follower of both your blog and among the gum trees blog via bloglines. So I wont' miss anything :) Looking forward to the christmaspatterns.
I have put the button on my blog and linked it.
I follow the Gum Trees blog.
Estoy muy feliz por esta iniciativa de los diseñadores unidos. Es muy importante para los que damos los primeros pasos y que vivimos en regiones donde el patch apenas es conocido.
Gracias por la oportunidad de su regalo dulce.
Ya tengo todos los blogs en mi lista de blogs de patchwork lateral izquierdo. Por supuesto soy seguidora del entre los arboles de goma y esta el boton a la derecha del mismo.
So fun with a giveaway. I wrote about it in my blog:
Have a great day!
Hi Joy
I've discovered quilt-as-you-go in the last year and love it. I would love to win patterns so I can try more of them. This is a great idea!
I've already added the button to my sidebar and blogged about the new blog, become a follower of Gum Tree and also a follower of your blog - Please enter me in the giveaway ! Hugs from France
I love the Fig Tree Quilts fabric too - I am a follower of your blog and I will become a follower of Among the Gum Trees.
I have already put a link on my blog. Please enter me in your draw
Best regards from Spain
Congratulations with your great blog, I love your give away and I have done all that you asked me to do. So pleaaaaassssse pick me. Did you already stitch that clock with 14 hours that I send you along time ago?
I have become a follower of your blog today Joy, thanks
Hi Jo
I have the Gum Tree Designs button on my blog.I am follwer of G.T.D. and your blog too.
Márta from Hungary
I am also a follower of Among the Gum Trees too.
what a great day with all these give aways! :-)
I put the button on my sidebar, and I am also a follower of the Gum Trees blog.
I'm a follower of both blogs. Thank you.
I became a follower of both blogs, I have put the button in my side bar
and I am leavind a comment.
I like your blog, it shows how you enjoy what you make
Yes I am a follower of both blogs, please include me!
Yummy giveaway Joy. I am thrilled for all of you girls, its a great exciting adventure.
Hugs Deb
Aloha Joy! I am now a follower of your blog, as well as Among the Gum Trees', I now have your button posted up on my blog! Thanks for this fantastic giveaway!
I have now added Gum Trees button to my blog and linked it back.
Hi Thank you for the great blog, I m a follower now of all the gumtrees Blogs, and put the button on my blog!
Great giveaway. I would love to win. I've allready added you to my blogline list.
Hi Joy...this is so much fun!!!!
I became a follower of Among the Gumtrees blog yesterday and also a follower of yours (and all the other designers too!!!) so there's two entries but I am blogless so cant add a button *darn*.
My email is
Thanks and hugs
;o) Wendy B
I'm following both blogs and already have the button on my blog.How exciting is all this!!Pleasew include me in the giveaway :) Barb.
I´m a little confused about all these comments. Do I have to leave you 3 comments? Well here is the first for pasting the gum tree button to my blog.
And here is the second for becoming a frequent reader of gum tree,
and here the third for becoming a frequent reader of your blog.
I hope thats the way you intended it.
Please put me in the draw
Good luck with the new exciting happening!!!
Ok..comment done... :o))
Gum Tree logo added to my blog.. and am a follower
And I added myself as a follower to your blog too.. but that I have been with another program too.. :o)))
Hugs and have a wonderful week!!!
Ohh.. please please add me to the givaway!! :o)
Hey Joy! Oooohh!! How strange to be leaving a comment when I saw you only a few hours ago! :0) Of COURSE I'll join your Gumnutty fun! Have added the button to my sidebar, too, so hopefully even more people will come and play! Great catching up again - and meeting your Beloved! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Hahahaha! A gumnutty! Count me in sounds triffic. Am so excited about your big secret now being all public and shared.
Hi, Joy! I'm following the Gum Trees blog, and I put the button on my side bar. I'm following your blog too!
Congratulations on your new blog. I have done all three:o) Thank you for the chance to win!
Congratulations! This is a fantastic blog. And I have the button on the sidebar of my blog.
Abile from Hungary
Hi Joy, this is really an exciting time in blogland.
I've done 1) 2) and 3) so pretty please may I have 3 entries in your fantastic giveaway.
This so so exciting. I am following all the blogs and the Gum Tree blog and added the Gum Tree link to my blog yesterday.
Hi Joy,
I am so excited about the new blog and of course this giveaway :-)
I have done all 3 things to get the extra points ( I love Moda fabric, so I would do 10 things to win..LOL)
-Blog button is on my side bar, I am a follower of Among the Gum Tree and a follower of you :-)
Hi Joy
Wonderful prize!
Already follow your blog and Gun Among the Trees, also put the button on my blog.
Now twist is supposed to be drawn.
This new blog is so much fun already! I did put the logo on, became a follower of both yours and the new blog! So that makes it three? And yes, I love your patterns, would be nice to try one!
1- I am a follower of The Gum Tree.
2- I have the button on the sidebar of my blog.
I'm following the Gum Trees blog and your blog and I put the button on my bloog's sidebar. :)
I am a follower of JoyPatch and have posted the button on my blog.
Hi. I would love to win this great give away and have add the button on my blog sidebar. Hugs, Helle
Hi again. I´m also a follower of the Among the gum trees blog.
Hugs, Helle
Hi Joy - how exciting. This is my comment, I have added the gum trees button to my blog and have become a follower of your blog and the gum trees blog. I think that is all bases covered. Cheers Kylie
Joy oh Joy, what a wonderful blog you have. I am so thrilled that Among the Gum Trees blog has begun. So many talented ladies all together. I am really looking forward to the designs from you all. I have signed up as a follower via rss feeds to it and also to yours. Wonderful booty you have put together for your prize. i hope I win.
Congratulations on your new blog!
I just love this beautiful fabrics so I'd like to win your giveaway.
Thank you for the chance!
Oh gosh beautiful gifts, please enter me. I have a linked button on my blog, and following both blogs. hugs xxx
I'm a follower The Gum Trees blog and put the logo on my blogroll too.
The Gum Tree button is in my side bar. I am a follower of the blog and of yours. I love stitching and can not wait to get started and giveaways are great too.
What a fantastic giveaway prize!
I've completed all three steps
#1 following your blog
#2 following Gum Tree Blog
#3 Have put the Gum Tree button on my blog linking back to the blog.
Thank you,
Hi Joy,
I have already done Step 1 and 2 so please enter me in the Pot.
This Projekt is absolutely Phantastic from all of you :)
Thanks a lot for this.
Very generous giveaway that you ladies offer us, thanks for that. I have done everything that was required and hope for the best!bets wishes to you!
Hi Joy, i am a follower of both your blog AND the gumtree blog AND i have added the button to my blog! i really hope i win - your patterns look like fun!
thanks, Viki
This is really good...9 chances to win such beatifull things.
I'm just became a follower on The Among the gum trees blog and also a follower of your blog.
There is a link to the Among the gum Trees on my blog
hugs Judith
I out tehe button on my blog and I'm a follower of thw blogs.
Terrific giveaway Joy. I follow you through google reader, have added the button to my blog and am now a follower of the Gum Tree's blog.
Looking forward to all the coming posts! Thanks for sharing. I am following the gummtree blog and yours too.
You girls are so hot you're smokin' hot. 4 patterns....and that is too much fun :)
Count me in.
I`m still a follower of your blog and I have posted the button on my blog yesterday, because I love your great idea.
What a wonderful giveaway. COngratulations on the new site, I am a follower of both and look fprward tp each new post.
Hugs, Barb
I love to enter your giveaway. I put the button in my sidebar.
Hi, I'm following the Among the Gum Trees and have the logo in my blog,also new I'm following of this blog.
I love the patchwork and work with needle.
would be wonderful to participate in your contest.
This Christmas would be fun to give to my family, my work done with my hands with love.
I've posted on my blog your news
Sorry for my mistakes, I'm from Spain and my english isn't very good.
Hugs and kisses.
I am a follower of Among the Gum Trees and your blog. Thank you for the generous giveaway.
You are very generous with your lovely giveaway. How I'd love to win. I have already set up my button on my sidebar and linked to the new blog as well as yours.
Wow what a great giveaway! I've added the button to my blog :-)
And I have already signed up as a follower of the Gum Tree Designers :-) Thanks for including me in your giveaway!
Congratulations on your new blog!
I've put the Among the Gum Trees logo and link on my sidebar...
I'm a follower of Among the Gum Trees...
I'm a new follower of JoyPatch!
What a lovely giveaway... I have posted the button, and I am a follower of your blog and Among the Gum Trees.
I've done ALL THREE....
This is so much fun...I am finding new blogs to follow...
The new blog is great and your give away simply fantastic.
I already wrote about it on my blog, with a button in the sidebar and became a folower of both the Gumtree blog and yours.
Thanks for the give away.
I have made stepp 1,2 and 3. Now I hope to bee a winner.
Hi Joy,
I have done all three requirements and look forward to following the Gum Nut Designers!! I cannot wait to join in on the design (downloads) fun beginning in October!
Thanks for including me in your thoughtful/generous giveaway - I just love the patterns and fabric.
I love the items on your giveaway. Congratulations on this new venture. Thanks for including me.
Dear Joy,
I've done all three, exept I don't have a blog. I love your initiative; and I'm a great fan of fig tree quilts, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I'm a follower of both blogs
Congratulations with your new blog. I have added it to my sidebar. I am also a follower on your blog and follower on the Among the gum trees blogg. I have also blogged about it.
Hey, all three steps are taken, please enter my name in the drawing. I wish you the best of luck with this new project!
I -very "carefully" :))- done all those required steps.
Happy to meet such great persons that change entirely my day.
Hugs from far away.
What an exciting prospect and an exciting giveaway time! I would really like to try out your pattersn, thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com
Hi, Joy! I'm following the Gum Trees blog, and I put the button on my side bar. I'm following your blog too!
WOW WOW I love your giveaway...
I have put a button and link to Among the gum trees...I am also a follower to both you and Among the gum trees blog...So I will have 3 entries to yor giveaway and do hope luck stand by me...:-)
I am following your's and Among the Gum Tree's blogs and have put a button on my blog.
I am a follower on your blog
I am also a follower on the gum tree blog
and I have the gum tree button on the sidebar of my blog
Hi, Joy!
Congratulations for this wonderful giveaway!!
I'm following your blog.
I'm following Among The Gum Trees blog.
I've added the button on my side bar.
This is so exciting. I love that all of you are working together on a blog. So much fun. I've put the Among the gum tree button on my blog linking it to the blog.
I'm following the Among the Gum trees blog. So much fun. Can't wait to see the projects.
I've officially become a follower, even though I've been following you for a long time in my blog list. Love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh my, so many pretty giveaways! Good luck with this new venture Joy!
I'm a follower of you, the Gum Trees and I've added the button to my blog. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love your blog I'm a follower on both and have added the button to my blog .Please include me in the give away .
Hi Joy! this is all so exciting!!!
I've added the button/link to my sidebar, I've joined as a follower to the group blog and your's, and I would love to win your wonderful giveaway prize!!! 8-)
Good luck everyone!!!
mbpk at mts dot net
I hope I can enter without having a blog.
I am a follower of both blogs now and can't wait to see what is coming.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Joy, hopefully I have done all three - I have logo on my sidebar, I'm following yours and Among the gum trees -blogs... by the way I'm too a big fan of Fig Tree fabrics;)))
Love your idea - very talented ladies. As soon as I find my new blog again, will add logo.
Entry 1: I've got the Gum Tree button on my blog!! :)
Entry 2: I'm a Gum Tree blog follower! :)
Entry 3: I'm following you, too! You have a cute blog--nice layout! I especially like the MODA charm pack in your giveaway! :)
Only thing I can't do is put your blogs on my blog as I don't have one. Please enter me in your draw, and I am a follower of each of the blogs, if I wasn't already, I sure am not, grin. as well as the 'gum tree nutters' blog.
Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Barb in WNC (in case my gmail addy doesn't show)
I've placed your button on my page to tell my friends about your beautiful and exciting side.
I am now a follower of your blog. I am already a follower of Gum Tree and I have the button on my sidebar. Thanks for such a great giveaway. Hoping to win at least one of these great Aussie designs
You girls had such a great idea! Thank you!
Hi. How fun of you to do this blog... and luckey for all of us.;-)
I have done step 1 and 2 and hope to be one of the luckey one..
Big hugs..
I've done number 2 and 3. I have no blog yet, but am so glad to find yours. Semmy
I am a follower of the Gum Tree Designers!
I have become a follower of your blog - hope that I win your giveaway!
Hi! I've put the logo on my sidebar and are now a follower of Among the Gum Tree and your blog. Please enter me in the giveaway.
Hugs Ullis in Sweden
I like the new blog. Thank you very much for the give away.
Greeting Guilitta
Become a follower of Among the Gum Trees blog.
I did it and also did the button on the side bar.
Greeting Guilitta
3) Become a follower of JoyPatch and leave a comment here on this blog to let me know you've done all of that you'll get your 3rd entry in the giveaways.
So I did. Please give me the third point.
Greeting Guilitta
I have the button on my sidebar and I am a follower og gum tree. Include me in these nice giveaway.
I gave discovered your blog via the Among the Gum Tree one. I love the picture on your banner.
I have added the Among the Gum Tree button to my blog yesterday!
Hi Joy!
I am so excited about your give away!! I love everything! I wrote about your new blog yesterday and put on your button and added you to my blogs to watch list!! I am ahead of you!! Paulette
Will be checking your website soon. Am curious what your design will be... what fun!
Hello Joy, please enter me into your great prize draw - i have been 'eyeing off ' your dragon fly quilt pattern for awhile now - thanks for the chance to win
Best wishes....Heather
I too am excited. I am always looking for quilt as you go patterns and didn't know you had them. Hooray for the new Gumtrees Group and good luck.
Robyn K
Hi Joy, I have done all the three things and also love your blog look! Thanks for the giveaway, Mollye
Gum Tree Button is on my blog, I became a follower of that blog and also a follower of your blog.
Thank You for what you are doing. This will be something to look forward to.
I added the gum tag to my blog yesterday.
I signed up to be a follower of Gum yesterday.
I signed up to be your follower today.
Congrats on your new venture and thanks for the chance to win your great give-away. Did I say that I love the Gyspy Rose fabric..
I am a follower of your blog, Among the Gum Trees blog and I have uploaded the logo.
Thank you for the wonderful give-aways and I can't wait to see what is coming
Congratulations on the new venture! I have put the Gum Tree button on my blog and become a follower of your blog and the Gum Tree one!!
This is a wonderful Idea (gum tree!)
I am excited to find all of the wonderful blogs! Among the Gum Trees' button is on my sidebar.
I am a follower of Among the Gum Trees.
I am a follower of JoyPatch too!
Congratulations, what a great group of designers. I will be watching with great anticipation of great things to come.
I feel like I spent the whole day leaving comments for you ladies under the gum trees! LOL
I already added the button. And I'm a follower of the Gum tree blog.
Hi Joy, thanks for this wonderful giveaway!
I added the button in my sidebar and follow both (all :) blogs and now I hope to win. ;)
Hugs from Germany
May I enter your lovely giveaway
I have visited you before
Iam a follower of the new blog
Hi Joy
Could you please include me in your fabulous giveaway. I've done everything except posting the button cos I don't have a blog
I am a follwer of your blog. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.
I am a follwer of Among the Gum Trees. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.
I added the button to my sidebar and posted about the new blog. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.
This is so exciting. I will be following all your blogs with interest. I have signed up as a follower on both your blog and the Gum Tree Designer blog and linked to the blog with the logo on my side bar
hi joy, I am a follower! looking forward to keeping up with the blogs! and have poste the button too! thanx sue
Hi, What a great giveaway. I am drooling over ;-)
I am a follower of your blog, and a follower of Among the gum trees.
And I have the button on my side bar!
Added a comment here too- that makes 3 entry... Keeping my fingers crossed for this fab giveaway!
I am following your blog and the blok Under the gum trees. It toke me quit a while to figure out this.
Hi Joy,
Have become a follower of Among the Gumtrees blog and a follower of your blog. (Unfortunately can't use the button as I don't have my own blog.)This is a super idea and I would like to be included for the giveaway.
I´ve done it!
Thank you very much!
I love the doll on your banner, she's so sweet. Congratulations on your new venture.
I have the button on my sidebar and it's linked
I am following both you and among the gum trees
Hello there, I'm not sure if I have to do this three times like a few other designers have instructed, but I have fullfilled the three requirements to become eligible for thee chances to win your beautiful package of goodies! Thanks so much for generosity.
Please enter me in the give-away. I am a follower of the blogs and have added the button to my own blog :)
Coloquei o botão em meu blog e fiz um comentário.
Sou seguidora do blog.
I am a follower of gumtrees!
I am also following your blog!
I am following your blog and Among the Gum Trees. I've also posted the pic on my sidebar. Thanks!
I am following your blog now and the among the gum tree blog too. Good luck with your new venture
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