I did however manage to take a piccy of what I bought. Not a lot today but all delish :o). I bought these gorgeous keys and thread from Country Quilt Co ... a fave shop of mine. I seem to have a 'thing' about keys lately don't I LOL?? But aren't they cute. The thread is from threadworx, lovely to work with ...and I also found some sandcastle fabric for stitcheries ... that's what my goodies are resting on ;o).

Here's a little reminder for you!! Don't forget Cheryl's giveaway for our "Among the Gumtrees" launch ... she's got some absolutely fabulous goodies there up for grabs ... go and have a peek, you won't be disappointed........ and don't forget to leave a comment to be in the draw!!!
Don't you love Simple Abundance and Mill House Inn...they are my favs!!!
What lovely treasures you found - very nice!!!!
sounds like a perfect day!!! such lovely fabrics too!
Hi Joy, i see what you mean about those spotties. I might have to get some of those for me. Thats if you leave any at the shop. :) Hugs Jeanette
You have been shopping! I love the keys - I have started a little collection myself and am currently bidding on ebay for some old fashioned padlocks to put with them.
All that fabric looks very inspiring. Have fun with it.
Love the fabric, and the spots, what a bargain!!!
Shopping - every girl's dream - and don't we just love it - well done!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Oh! Look at those yummmmmmy fabrics....Oh excuse me my drool! Love them all....I hope to meet some of my bloggy friends someday.
Oh Joy...I love your wonderful finds :) I too am collecting old keys and have done for over 20 yrs now. Mine are all in an old tin and I should get them out and make a nice display for them. Which box they are in I cannot remember! Too many stashed around. One day I will have all the boxes gone! hugs
Hi back to you Joy... was sad when they said they were meeting up with you... but had so much work to do and didn't want to leave hubby on his own again as I had spent the day before away from him and was going to be away for the retreat all weekend....
we might be able to meet up another day and have a nice lunch somewhere.
Cath Ü
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