Now THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!! She's spent the past 2 weeks on the couch hardly able to even speak because of her sore throat and ears, then when she's finally better this happens!!!!
Looking quite forlorn after finding out she'd have to wear this brace (and use crutches) for the next 2 weeks...............
And finally with all the lovely pressies she got for being such a brave soldier ;o).........
Gosh, is there anything worse than seeing one of your precious children in such agony ... :o(. God Bless you my darling Bear ... mwah!!!

Here's another little reminder that you can get a freebie Christmas pattern from here!!!
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your lovely comments about my design, I'm blown away by all your kind words :o). I'd love to answer you all individually but I fear I'd be here all day to do that LOL ... please know though that I'm chuffed to bits that you like it and I can't wait to share the other two stitcheries with you :o)!!! I'll be giving you the other 2 stitchery patterns that go with this one FREE over the next couple of weeks, but only for a limited time :o)!!!!! Here's a sneaky peek of a sleepy little elf for you ;o) .............
Keep a watch on our Among The Gumtrees Blog as there are still lots of freebie Christmas patterns coming your way over the coming weeks!!! We're having such FUN sharing these with you :o)!!!!

Oh the poor thing. Hope she gets better soon. Another two weeks rest might not hurt and will make sure that glandular fever doesn't come back. Its dreadful.
Sending Get Well Wishes to your daughter! Hope your feeling better soon. ;D
Hope your daughter is feeling better soon!!
Am in love with the little mouse and am hoping I won't miss out on your other patterns as we are leaving the last week of this month thru the first few days of Nov. Will not have access to the internet while camping up in the mountains with the snow! (I hope no snow, but never know) It's done it to us before!!
Take Care
Joy so sorry to hear about DD2's troubles. I sure hope all goes well for her from now on. Can't wait for you to show the other patterns. Hugs, Jeanette
Get well soon DD2 ,the poor thing has been through so much in the last couple of weeks .I'm with you nothing thing worse then seeing one of your kids sick or hurt no matter how old they are .
Oh poor darling...I hope she's feeling better soon..
Julia ♥
Hope DD2 rests up well. Having dislocated my shoulder I know the pain-she deserves ALOT of sympathy.
Hope you are up and about soon Jess.
Joy thanks for the stitchery pattern-too cute!!
Awe...poor thing! Hope she heals up quickly!
Poor girl! I will be sending get well thoughts and prayers her way.
Aww the poor thing! I hope she wows the doctors and heals faster than expected!!
Sorry to hear of DD2 accident...I have had GF & it's not nice...hope she is on the mend real soon...
Oh dear---well--at least your daughter was at home with you and you were there for her!!! I pray that she heals quickly.
I just love the Cx stitch--can't wait to start it(what you say--what do you mean -- you mean you haven't started it yet????----sorry--needed to finish one more angel swap gift first--then---)
Hugs, to you and your daughter--Di
I hope she gets better soon. Thanks for the wonderful stitchery pattern. It's beautiful.
Oh the poor thing!!!!! That sounds incredibly painful - I'll say some prayers for her! Make sure her crutches are padded, I hate those things. Bless her heart!
Love the sneak peek of the elf - too darling!
I hope she feels better soon.
I know that had to hurt!! Poor dear.....tell her to avoid ice and puddles of water while using those crutches.....don't ask how I know that one!!
Hi Joy!!!!!Que mala suerte ,pobre tu hija,me imagino como debe doler, te mando un beso enorme para las dos, y gracias por el diseño es muy tierno
She's looking gorgeous with all that pain - good genes, eh? Hope recovery time flies by quickly!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Love the sneak peak Joy, wonderful to have some more beauties... Hope Jess feels well soon... had a bad run poor love.
Hugs Dawn x
OH NO! Things happen in threes! Tell me there was something else before this?
Hope she's not ringing the "bell" too much for you to jump and do things for her. LOL!
Love the pattern, I've downloaded it but not sure when I'll get to them. One day!
Sending Get Well Wishes to your daughter! Hope she's feeling better soon.
Having been there myself, I know the pain your poor daughter is in...tell her to do EXACTLY as she's told, restwise, cause if she doesn't, it'll turn around and bite her in years to come (I'm living proof after several knee surgeries!!) By the way, i adore your greedy mousey...that's just how I feel after Chrissie lunch!!!! (but one day in the year's ok.... isn't it???lol)
sweet hugs to you and your daughter
'o) Wendy B
Hi Joy,
send DD2 my best wishes for a speed rcovery. Some people cry´s out loud HERE to every complication when they come around (like my little Sister, She was in hospital for nearly 6 month and had many surgerys to stand throu and recovers now on the sofa of my MOM )so say DD2 to be quiet, when the complications come around - so they could´nt find her ;) !!
Very beautiful your christmas design. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us.
Greetings out of Germany
Oh my, your poor daughter. Hope she is feeling better real soon. Be careful with those crutches.
Thank you too for the free stitchery. Love it!
There's little worse than seeing your child ill or hurt. I hope she feels better soon.
BTW yoour sneak peek looks wonderful. Can't wait :)
What a terrible time she has been having. The pain must have been terrible. Hope that she recovers soon.
Ouch! Poor DD2 -- that's definitely not fair! I love your adorable design -- thanks so much for sharing!!!
ohno, thats horrible for her - give her my love and a hug and i hope she gets back to normal soon.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's accident. My prayers are with her for a speedy and complete recovery.
Thank you for sharing your darling mouse eating figgy/plum pudding design. How cute!
Hope your daughter gets well soon. Thank you so much for the lovely pattern.
Warm Hugs,
Sending huggles from Aunt Persephone to your beloved Bear....and a good dose of *that* chocolate cake. ;-)
Give you daugther a big hug from me and wish her well soon. This was to bad.I realy hope she stitch. ;-)
Your free pattern are so great- it must be a part of my chrismas decoration this year. I can't wait for the reat.
Hug to you also. ;-)
Hope your DD2 is feeling better. It is so hard to be sick for weeks!
Your stitching is joyful. Sorry about the dear girls knee. Oh darn.
Your poor DD2...a big hug through cyberspace for her!!!
Thank you for the wonderful pattern...it's gorgeous...Dzintra♥x
your poor daughter can't win a trick can she........hope she is managing ok on the crutches.......
lovely stitchery........thanks for sharing
Wishing your daughter a smooth recovery!
The redwork Christmas design is so cute...if the plum pudding has as much brandy in it as when I make mine, that is one happy mouse! He looks blissful!
Thank you so much.
Thank you for the free stitchery. Love it! Hug from Kristina in Arjeplog, Sweden
I hope she gets better quickly!! Thank you for your Christmas pattern!! It's so so nice!!!
I'm in the beginning of my stitching career, but I try to collect patterns I'd like to try out. Thank you very musch for sharing this nice pattern.
hug from Norway, solfrid ¤
I am 1/2 way through the free plum pudding stitchery and watching it take shape is so exciting. I stitch at night , - I never knew nights could be so exciting
Hi Joy, Hope the DD is feeling a lot better. Thank you for the Xmas mat - it's really lovely. Are you going to the Craft Fair at Southbank this week?
We know how she feels... Ronnie has been wearing that same kind of leg brace all night long since the end of June. Hope all is well with her knee cap soon.....
Cath Ü
Oh how unfortunate!! She sounds like she's had it rough lately. I hope she mends up soon and that life gets back to normal.
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