I also got some exciting mail this week!!! All the way from NORWAY!! I was the lucky winner of the OPAM draw for April - most of you know the One Project A Month challenge being run by May Britt and Kris (see the cute teddy button on my sidebar) ...... well here's my prize!!!
Tilda stuff!!! I'm chuffed to bits, I just LOVE Tilda stuff :o)!!! Look at those cute little buttons ... I can't wait to get started! Thanks so much to May Britt, I love my prize :o), and thank you so much to both Kris and May Britt for all the time and work they put into making this challenge such fun for us all :o)!!

Now this last bit of excitement might only appeal to a few of you, but I have to tell you, it ALMOST had me doing the happy dance!! Yep, it really did :o).
Do you know what this is????? This my dear bloggy friends is the bottom of my EMPTY ironing basket!!!!
This hasn't been seen for a loooooooong time ... and here it is :o)!!

This is just the folded stuff after I'd done 5 hours ironing ...
the rest is hanging in the wardrobes. I know it doesn't look like much but boy I'm glad it's done ... if only for another week he he he.

Love the bike..I bet Dh is very excited..
Oh, to see the bottom of the ironing basket again...I'm trying..
My happiness this week is my quilt won a prize at our big show..
still on cloud nine..
Julia ♥
"The girlfriend" that's pretty good. I can just imagine you saying, "He's out with his girlfriend." At least you can smile while your saying it! LOL!
Congratulations on reaching the bottom of the basket! Happy day!
Joy, should DH call his bike the girlfriend or the mid-life crisis?? lol. They are funny at times aren't they.
I am doing a happy dance for you finding the bottom of your ironing basket, I can so relate to that.
Hey Joy! If I send my ironing basket to you, would you find the bottom of it for me?!?! I'm sure it's there, but I haven't seen it for a while!! The worst part - none of it's mine - it's all my beloved's wrinkly clothes!! Maybe one day I'll get motivated - maybe! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Oh JOY! you definately have to go when he gets his open licence and the seat. Make sure it's really soft and you want a sissy bar and rack too.
We had a fantasic ride on the weekend. Check out my pics.
Great weekend for Adults I can assure you.
five hours!!! Joy you deserve all your goodies - i moan when i do half an hour of ironing!!!!
your man certainly looks the part - when are you getting your leathers and are we going to see you in them!!!! but at least if he's busy with the bike you can be quilting without a guilty conscience!!!
What a fabulous bike, I bet hubby is over the moon with it! Will you ride with him on it???? So much fun, those bikes are soooo comfy.
Bec xxx
Congratulations to hubby on his new toy! And congrats to you on seeing the bottom of your ironing basket! Five hours of ironing?? Makes me tired just thinking about it! LOL Enjoy your day! :0)
Congrats to you on your great mail.
And big congrats to your hubby on his new girlfriend. Wow she's something else that new girl. lolol
You mean YOU iron?? I only iron quilting fabric. lolol
Not sure if I would get on a bike. A bit scarey I think but sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone. Congrats on the empty ironing basket. Wish I could achieve the same result. Will have to work on it although I would rather be quilting. Cheers for now.
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