Today I baked!! I can't remember the last time I baked. Heavens isn't that dreadful!!!??!

So this is what I made, a coconut slice. Soooo easy and soooo yummy!! I can think of several ways to 'fancy it up' ... I think a layer of lemon butter through the middle would be just delicious ........ or maybe some frozen berries sprinkled over the batter before cooking ..... Mmmmm.

Might have to bake again real soon ;o).
I was also pretty pleased with this afternoon's efforts. I decided to make a bag for my gorgeous Mum for her birthday on Sunday ...

I already had the stitchery so all I had to do was make the bag to go with it ;o)........

Would you believe this bag only took 4 hours to make?? It's true ... just 4 hours :o)!!

I'm going to a shop called
"Britain on the Bayside" tomorrow to get some goodies from England to put in it. They have loads of things that Mum used to really enjoy - like PG Tips tea, and pork pies and fruit and malt loaf .........

They also have some stuff that I like too so I might just have to take a bag for me as well :o).
ooooh! you done good girly! i also did some baking yesterday. oh, you already know that. LOL
love how the fabric of that gorgeous bag matches your stitchery so well.
so sweet & feminine.
julie xoxox
Love the bag Joy. To cold here in Ipswich to bestir myself to cook let alone sew. :(. Hugs, Jeanette
That is the cutest handbag!! Have fun in England.;D
What a lovely bag...your Mum will love it...great fabrics with the teacup stitchery!
I love reading what you will buy at that shop...never heard of most of those things here in the U.S. I will imagine what they are.
Yummy your making me hungry.
Love the bag, your mum is going to love it too. And did you say 4hours????
Great bag .....and after seeing your slice.... i am off to put the kettle on
Joy I love your bag you made for your Mum...its so pretty. And put the kettle on as I will be there shortly to help you eat that looks so yummm!!
I should tell you the Word Verification is the nick name of my ex husband hehehe
Love the bag Joy...Mum will too!
Ok off to eat cake's your fault!...But I love cake, so that's fine!
Julia ♥
Hi. Great bag you made for your mum. Tell her Happybirth day from me.;-)
Oh I wish I hade some of your cake with my coffecup just now.
What yummy goodies and the bag is lovely!
Must be the weather for it ... I baked this morning.
I love your bag, very nice embroidery and fabric.
i can't believe you made that bag in four hours - that would have taken me all day!!! you are amazing! and its sooo beautiful i'm sure your mum will love it.
Baking too, is there no end to your talents! wished i lived nearer.
Lovely bag Joy, I bet your Mum loves it and to fill it with all those yummies that she loves is a great idea.
my roomate is THRILLED with her panda bag too!
she just LOVE it
Looks just beautiful
Hi Joy, thank you for your thoughts....I too love baking.....the bag you made is gorgeous....hugs lyn
Cake looks so yummy Joy...the bag you have made for your mum is just so beautiful, I am sure she will be thrilled....
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