Ok, not quite he he he ..... but he did go off on the weekend for a ride with the Ulysses group out to Rathdowney to an Olive Farm ... a total of about 230km for the round trip, that's quite a lot on his little bike!! He had a fabulous time!! Here's where they all met up at our local McDonalds.......

I can imagine poor families pulling into the carpark and pulling right out again thinking they might be real 'bikies'. The thing is, you have to be
over 50 to even be a member of this group (DH just scrapes in - I on the other hand will have to wait a little while before I can apply LOL). They're a great bunch of people who just like to ride bikes. They do a lot of community and charity work too. I couldn't get all the bikes in ... I'm guessing there were about 30 something or so there, and they picked up a few more as they travelled along ;o) ............

Here's my beaming DH on his shiny bike. You can't see it under that helmet but I just KNOW he's grinning from ear to ear. He just LOVES riding that thing!!! He's already planning the next (bigger) bike - eeeek!!!

Of course while he was off on his little jaunt - that left me at home alone. Jess (DD2) had also gone off with friends, and what's a girl to do when she's home alone??? Sew of course LOL. I managed to finish this "Peter Rabbit" quilt that I've had on the go between other things for a couple of weeks now. It's a real easy quilt as you go pattern using fat quarters - 6 for the front and 6 for the back. This is the front ............

and this is the back ............

Then when DH got home we took a picnic basket down to the bay and just relaxed in the beautiful sunshine. We really should have taken this pic from the other side then you would have seen the gorgeous Moreton Bay and the Bay islands in the background instead of the carpark LOL.

So hard to believe it's still Winter!!! We've been having the most incredible weather ... it was 33 yesterday and 35 the day before!!!
When we got home from the shops on Monday afternoon DD2 wandered down to the road (I must admit I wondered what she was doing) ... and she came back with this little fellow!! Poor thing had been hit by a car. We couldn't see any apparent injury and it looked pretty stunned so we took care of him/her for the evening with the intention of taking it to the vet the next day if there was no improvement .....

Well the next morning I went to check on birdy and he/she was sitting beside the box we had put him/her in for the night (clearly not secure enough [[ooops]] lol) and when it saw me it took flight. So I'm hoping the little cutey is ok now, I'm guessing since it flew on it's merry way that it's going to be just fine :o). Isn't he/she a pretty birdy!!?!?
I'm off stitching with friends today... have a great day ......
Love the little quilt, some baby is going to be very lucky!
Not fair Joy, your getting all the lovely warm weather...it's 5 degrees here this morning...brrr!
Looks like it was a great time for you both..
Julia ♥
hi joy,
loving the quilt and the cute little birdie. not so much loving the bike tho! dh is always on my back about one and the answer is always a firm NO. i have enough to worry about with his truck, without adding a bike to it. i'd be grey way before my time! LOL
glad you're enjoying this heat. i'm SO not a summer girl, so i'm still in denial right now.
i sooo wish our winters were like yours!!! its nearly autumn and already the nights are drawing in and its getting colder earlier in the evening too!!
love the bike pics - hubby looks cool!
Hi Sweetie-
Thanks for stopping by and wishing me luck for the court thingy! I will need it! I've been catching up on your blog and wow- you've been busy and got lots of goodies. Look at all that fabulous fabric! *lol*. Cute Boyd and cute Annies! I love Phoebe's friend :O0 Awww!
That was so sweet of you to take in the bird and give it a rest for the night. Maybe that's all it needed!
Hugs!! Will stop by for a visit again soon!
I love the quilt - such a sweet pastel thing! But the bird...oh my how my mother would have loved it. She loved birds with a passion. blessings, marlene
Hello Joy, I was wondering what your Summer will be like if it is soo hot now in Winter.....love the bikie pics...boys and their toys...heh.....LOL....Cute little quilt......Hugs Lyn
Hi Joy, we are off on a ride today too. A dice ride?/pub crawl (without the drinking) will tell you more about it when I get back.
Looks like this way a lovely day.
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