I haven’t been able to do my ‘Tuesday’s Treasures’ posts because of my slooooow innernets … so today I’m back, and here are some things I treasure dearly, because 3 of these belonged to my late Dad, who I still miss so much.The one on the top left was given to him when he joined the army in 1946. The inscription reads “To wish the Server of Clifton-on-Teme parish Church, R. Bradley, Godspeed” and it’s signed by the local Vicar.
The one next to it, top right, was given to him when he was baptised on March 25th 1928. It’s a prayer book and the inscription reads “Robert Charles Bradley in memory of his Baptism on Passion Sunday. With the prayers and the blessing of the Vicar”.
The third one on the bottom right is one that I think belonged to Dad’s Father, who died in the early 1930s – the date in it is 1898, it’s stood up fairly well over the years!!
This last (brown) one had me puzzled for a little while, until I realised the name in the front of it - John George Dallow - is that of my Great Uncle Jack (… It was the “John” that threw me lol).
This was his Prayer Book, and looking at the date on this page (1899) I’d say it’s pretty old too …
This last one …. well it’s not old, but it’s loved, it’s my Bible. I wonder if it will stand the test of time like Dad’s have??
I guess we’ll have to wait and see :o).

What lovely things to have. I have my Grandmother's bible from the very early 1900s. Isn't it funny how we all treasure similar things.
Joy...what wonderful family treasures...just all so very special...
So special darl so so special.. what wonderful treasures and full of blessings too..
Hugs Dawn x x x
I too have a very old bible and love it too. Yours are very special indeed Joy. I love old books and things :)
Joy how lovely ! Thanks for playing .
Joy - those are lovely. I also have a Bible on my treasure today!! Special family treasures.... Hugz
These are gorgeous Joy and so special. I'm glad you have them! Thanks for sharing xx
These prayer books are gorgeous. I carried my mother's at my wedding and then my daughter carried it at hers. She has a daughter now so I'm hoping.....one day....
What beautiful treasures Joy! You're so lucky to have them -- I love family treasures that have inscriptions in them -- what a treat!
What wonderful treasures!!! I have both of my grandparents bibles and so enjoy having them.
Wonderful treasures. It was a way to help my son connect with my father that had passed away when he was two.
Joy , I think it is so special you have three of your Dad's bibles ,I'm sure when you look at them and read them you can feel your Dad right beside you .
Now THAT is treasure - nothing is better than the word of the Lord! I had a small New Testament that belonged to a family member, it was given to him when he went in the Army. It had a metal plate on the front, and those little books were instrumental in saving a great many lives - the bullets would fly and hit the metal plate, sparing the soldier. A dear friend admired it and I gave it to her.
I'm out surfing to-night with my wet suit on...bit cold...but I'm on a mission to find posts for my Early Bird Lucky Dip prize. Looked really, really hard sweetheart...but I couldn't find one?????
Oh sweetie, what a treasure you have in them! One day your own great grandchildren will be cherishing an old Bible too...your beautiful legacy to pass along. {{{hugs}}}
I am on sloooooow 'till the start of the next month . but I have done a little surfing and have found Tuesday's Treasures and have enjoyed those I have been able to open. Family bibles are real keepsakes , you have a wealth there to pass on.
one of my DDs says she wants my tattered one that is written all over so she can just look it up to find the meaningful bits , a bit like Espresso coffee I guess.
It`s great to have these reminders of our past and we can sit and remember our ancestors and wonder about their live styles in comparison to ours.
Oh Joy what wonderful memories .....you have and when you hold them in your hand .....you can think of the loved ones before you that held them ......so special to have treasures
The hands through time that bind us, it's a real gift to have those bibles Joy. We are lucky enought to have a couple of old books that link to the Darlings past, surprisingly, nothing on my side.
Love the new blog banner with the beautiful birdie, although I also have an added fav up there...yep, the beautiful teacup, not to mention the pics of your wonderful handywork
Wow Joy - what a lovely post! Such precious books to have.
xo Catherine
A bible always stands the test of time, Joy.......it contains a message that's eternal!! .....love your treasures lovely one, they're absolutely precious!
XXX sugary hugs Wendy :O)
Joy, what lovely treasures. My dad has recently passed on to be with his Lord and saviour and I miss him terribly. How wonderful to have such precious treasures to keep him close to your heart.
God Bless
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