First thing happened early this morning when DD2 was getting ready for school and couldn't find part of her uniform (??). Not a big deal but definitely a nuisance. Problem was solved without too much fuss - good thing I'd already had my first cup of coffee [phew]. Next, as I'm printing up some patterns for orders I got yesterday, I realise that the first run of printing I did for my newest pattern "Ric Rac and Roses" has gone out with a page missing!!! Eeeeek!! I phone shops, email/phone people who've bought/won patterns. All missing pages are now on their way to where they belong [again ... phew] - problem solved. THEN ... this is the 3rd and hopefully the last for the day ;o) ....... we brought home our tiles for the kitchen walls and they were 5cm larger than quoted so they don't fit under the power points and will be a pain in the proverbial to fit!!! So I got on the phone to our friendly tile shop lady and she says she will have the tiler man cut them back for us so they will fit :o). Another problem solved .... just didn't want to deal with all of that in one morning!! Topped up with another coffee :o).
Then ........... my day got brighter. The mailman brought me a present!!! I'm smiling. In fact I'm smiling from ear to ear!!! Look what I got :oD!!!

Take care,
Joy :o)
It looks like your Angel came at just the right time! Those are some really nice gifts.
Lovely lot of goodies, and to get work which is eyecatching is another wow.
What a sweet package at just the right time, I love that!
The swap things look wonderful...and I love the cupcakes!
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