Saturday was pretty quiet, DD2 and DH were both at work which left me able to sew for most of the day. I got the first 2 parts of the pattern I'm working on made and I'm very pleased with both. I even got the pattern written up for the first part - woohoo!!! I'm not telling what it is yet ... but here's a little glimpse ;o) ...
... this is Sophie, my proof-reader making sure all is well as I write up the pattern ;o).
Had a lovely Sunday ... went to visit MIL and FIL as it was MIL's birthday too - she loved her birdy welcome sign!!! Went out for dinner last night with the fam for my birthday which was great cos with all of our busy lives we don't get together nearly often enough ... and when we do it's always great fun!! Got some lovely cards and pressies and was very spoilt :o). Unfortunately the sparklers on my cake had gone out by the time this piccy was taken.
From left that's my future DIL, DH, DS, me, Jill fromUK, my lovely Mum, DD2, my brother and his wife and my nephew. My other nephew had to work. And .... lucky me, because my actual birthday is today I get to go out for dinner again tonight .... so that's no cooking dinner for 2 nights in a row!!! I could certainly get to like this :o) LOL. DH woke me this morning with another fabulous surprise ... I'm going to be climbing the Story Bridge next Sunday!!!!! I will post a piccy of that next week so you can see how scared I am LOL!!! I'm shocking with heights and I have no doubt it will be a real 'white knuckle' moment for me ... but this is something I soooo want to do!!!

Had a great day today at my quilting group ... what a lovely way to spend a birthday ... stitching with friends :o). Only trouble was, when I set up my sewing machine I noticed it had no foot!!! I was footless!!! Spent most of the morning chatting and drinking coffee :o)!!! So I did all the cutting out there but had to come home and stitch it up. It still needs batting and backing etc ... this is just the top....
Isn't it a cool pattern!!?! It's called "Twister" and it's by Designs To Share With You. I can see me doing some more of these!!

That's all from me for now ... off to do more stitching
Joy :o)
P.S - I did find my foot!!! :o)
Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Joy, Happy Birthday to you. Hip Hip hooray. Interesting peek at your new pattern. Hugs, Jeanette
Happy birthday, Joy!
The twister is really fantastic.
Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great day!
Love the Twister Block...great colours.
Look like you had a good birthday.I hope you got some relay good presents.
Happy Birthday!
That twister block is really neat. It boggles my mind trying to figure it out. Lovely though.
a very, very happy, belated, birthday - you certainly look like you had a great day - what a lovely family!!
Hello Joy, Happy Birthday and glad you had a wonderful day with your family. Love the Twister pattern. Regards Lyn
Happy Birthday, Joy. Your new pattern looks interesting. Love the ric-rac.
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