I'd love to tell you all that this was my brilliant idea, but alas it's not ;o). One of my stitchy friends, Jenny (no blog), came to our quilting group last week with one of these and I thought it was just right for someone like me who's so pushed for space. When I'm not using it I can roll it up and keep it behind the door in my sewing room, I can even leave the blocks in place if I want to - ready for next time :o)!!!
I like that idea Joy. When I am able to get my sewing room ready, I am going to look up this blog idea.
Have a great day!!!! :)
way to go joy. now get those tools back out, cos i'll have one too thanks!
julie xoxox
That's exactly what I need Joy! If only I could find a place to hang it. We don't have a hallway in this house. I wonder if anyone would mind if I hung it in the kitchen? LOL
what a great idea - now where did i put my drill!!!
Great job Joy. What did we ever do without our design walls??
Clever that you can fold it up and put it away Joy. That coconut slice in the previous posting looks yummy would you share the recipe with everyone or even just me. Thanks. Happy days.
Brilliant!!!! I am going to show this to my husband...then hint VERY loudly. ;-)
What a wonderful idea! I wish I'd thought of that before I nailed mine to the wall. :) blessings, marlene
what a brilliant idea joy! i was just lamenting my lack of sewing space and i desperately need a design wall. please tell us the measurements and the how to's... please, please, please.
Hi Joy! Just catching up with your blog after being away for a while. You are so right about bloggers being a special type of people. Such kindness out there. I LOVE this idea of the design wall. I'm not getting much extended time to sew at the moment, just snippets of time here & there. As a consequence, the quilt I'm working on at the moment is all over the rumpus room floor & the family has to jump over it all the time. Your design wall idea would solve that problem. Think I'll be off to the hardware shop today! Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Ros.
I am going to have to have my hubby make me one of these! Great idea.
What a clever idea....hmmmmm where can I hang it......?hmmmThank you for sharing!Paulette
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