Okay, so it's not really me on the cover ... just my pattern LOL. I got a lovely surprise when I went into the newsagents just last week ...... there on the shelf was a brand new magazine - "Quick and Easy Crafts" ... and one of MY PATTERNS is on the cover!! Woohoo!!
That's mine in the middle, "Bees 'n' Daisies" bag. It was published in Patchwork and Stitching many months ago but I didn't expect it to make another apearance. How exciting!!!
I just love the piccy ... :o).

I got some lovely mail this week too :o). I bought these fabulous "Portobello Market" fabrics to go with a jelly roll and layer cake that I already have ...
Also these gorgeous "Fig and Plum" precuts .... a layer cake and a charm pack, aren't they great!!?!
Not sure what I'll use them for, might just have to look at them for a little while first ;o).

My DH and I took advantage of the glorious Winter weather we're having at the moment and yesterday we took a day trip to a place called Nobby just a little bit south of Toowoomba. What a terrific little town it is!! We had lunch at "Rudd's Pub" named in honour of Steele Rudd of "Dad and Dave" fame - it's simply choccas with fabulous memorabilia!!
Here's DH at the bar ordering our Steak Sanga and Chook Sanga - yep, that's how it was written on the menu!! Next to the pub is a little Vintage Museum, which is actually a private collection of all things wonderful from days gone by. I found she had a most enviable collection of sewing goodies -
I had a wonderful time gazing upon all these lovelies!!
Don't you just love the vintage fabric here -
and the fantastic wedding dress pattern!!!?!?

I'd better be off and get my stuff ready for tomorrow ... I'm running my first workshop, it's for my Diamonds and Braids quilt. I'm a bit nervous, so glad to be doing it with the girls in my quilt group - I haven't really taught before so wish me luck!!

P.S ... I couldn't resist including this piccy, DH just called me in to take a look at this .... can't you just tell that DD2 is sitting in Sophie's bean bag!!?!!
Actually, it's DD2's bean bag but Sophie doesn't think so LOLOL!!!!

Wow! This post was packed full of goodies! Love your dragonfly quilt and the fabrics are delicious! WhooHoo on the cover of a magazine, how neat is that! Neat vintage items, that's always cool and your daughter and cat are hilarious. Looks like the cat is starved for attention or spoiled!
Lovely Post Joy...Congrats on another entry in the Magazine....Looks like a Great Place to spend the day....
Is that magazine an Australian publication Joy? How exciting for you to be in this magazine as well. Loved the pub photo.
Congratulations all around - sleep well! Hope you read this before you go off on your new venture tomorrow - I know you will be successful!
Hugs - Lurline♥
The quilt is lovely! Those "Decadent victorian" is such a nice piece of fabric.
Hi. I love you quilt- and not to forget all your new goodis. How fun it must be to see one of your own pattern in a magasine.Good luck to morrow- I know it will be a great success. Hugs ;-)
I love the quilt and it is wonderful that your pattern is in a magazine.
Joy I love your new look blog and also have enjoyed looking at all the fab photos you put up. How exciting to have your bag published again. Such a fab bag too!! Good on you :)
I really like the quilt. The outer border on it looks like really big ric rac. Congratulations on your entry in this magazine.
oooh, this is all very exciting stuff joy! my friend is famous!
loving the fabrics in your new quilt, so pretty.
you'll be fine with your workshop today, i just know it.
big hugs,
julie xox
Congratulations all around ..Good luck for today..
Julia ♥
Good luck with your class , I know you will do really well ! Can I have your autograph covergirl ? Congratulations .
Yeah what a great post!!
..and a great read, thanks Joy!!
Congrats on your pattern being re-lived in the new mag...way to go girl!!
I know you!!!!!!!!!!!! *big grin*
I love the pic of your daughter with Sophie... yes I can see Sophie is the owner and your daughter is just renting...lol
Robyn xx
ha ha...the verification word is 'imend' ha ha!!
Received your patterns already, Joy. Great service. Can't wait to use them. Good luck with the teaching, I'm sure you will do well.
Joy your quilts is totally amazing...and lovely to see your patterns in the mag...love all he old stuff as well...
A great post!!! I love your dragonfly quilt, and I agree..pretty fabrics. Congrats on your pattern. What a wonderful surprise. Great picture of your daughter and the cat!!
lots of luck with your teaching Joy, but i'm sure you won't need it! congrats on your magazine appearance - that is just brilliant. I think you may need to make another beanbag!!!
isnt that Fig & Plum beautiful fabric. I have just bought a jelly roll and lots of yardage to make something with - not sure what yet. Might add its not my suaul bright colours but I really love it anyway. Its good to do something different.
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