You probably know that we Among the Gumtrees ‘Nutters’ are having a massive giveaway!!!
But wait …that’s not all!!!!!!!!
Just for a bit more fun, I’m going to have a “Springtime” giveaway too. So if you’d like to win the pattern for the block I designed - “Good Morning Butterfly” ….
then all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. You could make it into a wall-hanging, or a cushion … maybe even the front of a bag :o)!!!
One comment - one entry … easy peasy. Please don’t comment more than once though cos I’ll have to remove any doubles – and I’ll be checking he he ;o).
But if you want more ………
Don’t forget to pop on over to the Among the Gumtrees blog because that’s where we are having our biggest giveaway yet!!! Have you been over to check it out??? You could win these …
The WHOLE SET of “Springtime” patterns - the gawjus BOM we designed for Fresh Hope :o)!!
Pop on over to the Among the Gumtrees blog for more details on how to enter, and you can also find out over there how you can buy these patterns and many others from Fresh Hope!!
The winner for my giveaway will be drawn on 26th January :o)!!!
Good luck everyone :o)!!!!

Giggle.. the mushroom brings back memories for me.. for some reason my brothers decided that was my nickname when growing up.. I do not like to eat them.. no not at all!! But to look at like this, they are sooooooo cute!!
Hey wouldn't it be funny if one person entered all the gumtree designers giveaways and won each pattern individually? lol
I love your design as I have a fascination with toadstools and mushrooms. I have a feeling it goes back to my early Enid Blyton reading.
I still imagine little creatures living in any toadstool I see.
I also like butterflies so your lovely design has it all.
thanks for your lovely blog.
such a pretty pattern ;-)
All you Gum Tree girls have such a generous spirit. Thanks for this opportunity. It's an adorable pattern. ~karen
Those are all such adorable patterns. I especially like this one with the butterfly!
You gals keep having such wonderful, generous giveaways and I love it!!
What a lovely stitchery. I just love the caterpillar!
I love your design! It is fantastic!
carla louise
I'd love to win! It looks like the butterfly wants to kiss the bug, too cute.
I also love your designs the toadstool and butterfly take me back to my childhood memoires of whimsical fairies & such creatures. Books with beautiful illustration.
'Good Morning Butterfly' is so sweet ... love the butterfly chatting to the caterpillar.
Oh boy, you guys are just so sweet.Springtime is just so pretty.
Out of the Box, is going to be fun too!! So much eye candy!!
I love your butterfly. Count me in please. It would be a gorgeous cushion.
Love your pattern Please count me in.
Hugs Mary.
Love the pattern and the BOM quilt soooooo my colours Joy ;)
Hugs Bec
Oh I love your pattern. How generous you Gum Tree Girls are!!!! Count me in!
I think this is so pretty! Thank you for having the giveaway!!
I'd make it into a cushion for my bed...lurv mushrooms too:)
Thanks for the chance to win your pattern:)
That is a lovely pattern and yes, count me in!
I love the design and would love to win the pattern. I am a new follower to your blog.
I would love to win this. It is so cute!!
What a lovely pattern and thanks for the giveaway
lovely pattern, enter me please.
Thank you for such a lovely giveaway. I really love your blog and the cute mushrooms in the pattern!
I love butterflies! Thanks for the chance to win :) You "Nutters" are too kind ! If I win the whole set from Among the Gumtrees, I will give up the " Good Morning Butterfly" to someone else :)
Thanks for a beautiful giveaway. I have some of that fabric too!
Ooooh Joy I can't stand it - Springtime is so gorgeous - and I love your block!!!
Your block is cute... my girls would love it in their rooom!
Such a cute stitchery; I would love to make it into a cushion for my sister.
Thank you for being so generous.
Hey Joy-Belle! Your butterfly and butterfly-in-training (that's what a caterpillar is, right??!) are lovely and your block is gorgeous! Isn't the French General fabric just so YUMMY!! Fresh Hope is such a great cause to be raising money for, so I hope LOTS of people buy this lovely BOM that you and the other Nutters have worked on. Bear Hugs! KRIS
Gorgeous design Joy, i love it. Maybe it will be a lucky month for me & i'll win. :) Hugs,
Those mushrooms are so cute, can't believe all these giveaways so early in the new year but thank you its great to be a part of it.
This is a lovely pattern! Thanks so much for the give away. It looks like a wonderful quilt!
Oh Joy, your block is so cute!! Please pick me!!
Hugs, Sue from Cyprus
I always did like this block. It's so cute.
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
Love your block in the quilt and love the whole pattern and for such a charitble cause! Thanx for giving us the chance to win the pattern for your block :)
Carmen in AK, USA
Sooo adorable... would love to stitch that for my friend's daughter Tessa...
Please count me in Joy... your block is so lovely :)
I love your designs and I love stitching. I hope I win.
Such a cute design!
Who does not want such a lovely stitcherie. Please count me in.
Joy , I love your design, so cute and would be delighted to win ,thanks so much for this chance .Sheila
Me parece una idea excelente, gracias por el interes que se toman todas en hacer cosas bonita y encima regalarlas
que tengan un feliz año
I would love to win this great pattern. Thanks Heaps Sharyn
You ladies are so sweet and giving would love to win.
You girls are so ya's to bits!!!!!! LOL
.....and mushies are my fave veggie too!!!!
sweet sugary hugs gawjus
XXX Wendy :O)
What a cute stitchery! Thanks for the chance;-)
Yes I'm in....
You can count me in.....what a cute stitchery! ;0)
Just looking at all these blocks makes me want to get back to some embroidery - I'm really not sure why I haven't done any in awhile. Thanks for the inspiration.
joanoh at cinci dot rr dot com
Beautiful!! Please enter my name.
Have a God Filled Day
How sweet and generous of you to have this giveaway. "Good morning butterfly" is adorable. Any one of us would be thrilled to win it. Thanks! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com
I love your stitchery. It is such a beautiful 'Good Morning Butterfly', so please count me in.
Your pattern is cute, I'd love to win one :)
Dear Joy, Yes, I want to participate in your giveaway, it would be great to get a block of this beautiful quilt.
Happy 2011.
So cute your quilt. Love redwork, and this is so original...
Such a cute design, who doesn't love toadstools and butterflies? Hopet o make a bag.
That one might be my favorite of the ones I've seen so far. I would love to win ;)
Such a lovely Springtime block!
Your pattern is so cute. I love the caterpillar. And is the flower the lily of the valley? My favorite. Thanks for the chance to win.
This is so sweet, thank you Joy! Just love these blocks.
These blocks are so pretty, thank you for the chance to win. Linda
This is the cutest block. I also like the patchwork. What fabric did you use for the patchwork? The grey and red are awesome. Please enter me into the drawing. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway.
Another great pattern to add to the to do list
New to blog following and don't have my own blog to add your button but would love a chance to win your pattern/
I have been quilting for over 25 years and want to start a quilt with embroidery blocks. Wish the giveaway on Gumtree site was open to persons without a blogsite.
Love this design and have several ideas on how to use it. Hope I win!!
The pattern is glorious, please count me in for the giveaway. Cheers Kaylee
I have All of these bits of nature in our yard, but not all gathered together in the same season... but seeing your wee stitchery, makes me remember we can portray everything we treasure in one bit of cloth!!!
~Connie, Kapuskasing, N.Ontario, Canada
è bellissimo posso partecipare anch'io? Un caro saluto da Nirvana Milano Italia
Well geeee!! You know I really want to win this!!! I've been drooling ever since you guys 1st mention it!! I turned out great!
hugs, Terri
Count me on your block giveaway.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I would SO love to win this for my daughter. She is totally obsessed with mushrooms :)
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