Last Thursday a group of ladies from my quilting group – Star Sea Quilters – joined me for a sewing bee to make stitchin’ caddies for the New Beginnings Kits that we Nutters at
Among the Gumtrees are putting together for the poor quilters who have lost so much in the recent floods right across Queensland and now Victoria too.
Here’s a pic of the gawjus SSQ ladies who came along …

one or two are missing, the lovely
Bec from Homestead Quilting is one – bless her gawjus heart, she travelled all the way from the Sunshine Coast (almost 2 hours each way) to help us out –

Thank you Bec :o)!!!! Bec and I have chatted through our blogs and more recently on facebook for nearly 2 years so it was terrific to finally meet each other in person – she’s a real sweety :o).
Here’s how many we’ve got so far …
(about thirty-something) and there are about a dozen or so more still to come from ladies who are still stitching!!
Thanks so much to everyone who has made or is making a New Beginnings Kit – every single one is greatly appreciated!!
If anyone would like the pattern for this cute little 'Stitchin' Caddy' you can buy the PDF for just a $5 donation to the Premier's Flood Appeal -
just click on the piccy on my sidebar :o).
Oh Joy what a wonderful job you have done making so many Stitching Caddies. I purchased a pattern and intend to make some this weekend.
What a great group you had! Unfortunately I had to work :( Maybe another day I'll get to meet everyone in person!
What a lovely day and so nice to meet you in person. I have made two more since then so will post soon although didn't do the button as I am
not to good at that ;)
Big Hugs Bec xx
Congratulations to all the ladies on doing such a great job.
Happy days.
Joy that is fantastic , what a great job you have all done !
Great Job Joy...sorry I couldn't make it but we are stitching like mad here too...
The pics look impressive - amazing what a few ladies can achieve! Sending this to check if I'm still noreply (I shouldn't be, but you never know with computers.. LOL)
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