DH is still painting, DD2 has gone shopping which has left me to do pretty much what I pleased (almost) all day ..... so, I finished writing up my pattern. And to celebrate ... as promised .... I'm going to have a giveaway!!! My first blog giveaway ... how exciting!!! :o)
So here's the piccy of "Ric Rac and Roses"

... the base is circular and the bag stands about 12 1/2" (without the handles). There are 4 pockets on the outside and another larger pocket on the inside for your bits and bobs ... also space for your mobile phone and another for your sunglasses, or your ipod, or even another phone if you want ;o). I've stitched some cute hand dyed guipure lace motifs onto mine - just cos I love them and I also used some gorgeous ceramic buttons (that I bought at the Stitches and Craft show last year) on the pockets - which are also sporting some pretty cute ric rac braid chosen by Sophie (see previous post).

Ok, so let's make it fun. How about you tell me (and everyone else who visits my blog) what's the strangest thing you keep in your handbag/purse??? It really doesn't make any difference to the results of the giveaway cos I'll just be drawing the winners out of a hat, so you really don't have to tell if you don't want to.
I'll give away 2 "Ric Rac and Roses" patterns and I'll do the draw on Sunday night ... AND ... if you mention this giveaway on your blog and link it back to here I'll put your name in twice!!! Cool huh??
Ok, so go and tip out the contents of your handbag and get back to me :o).
Talk soon .... take care,
Joy :o)
Hi Joy,
your bag turned out beautifully...those soft colours & ric rac ist a winning combination ;o)
Love it!
The 'strangest' thing that lives currently in my bag is a chestnut...well, at least three of them because my sister's dog LOVES chasing & chewing them ..and they're more easily thrown a longer distance (=more fun for Lilly) than a stick ;o)
Hugs, Julia
This is such a pretty bag. Your very talented.
Great colors.
What a lovely bag - The strangest thing in my bag right now is a crochet hook. It's not to strange if you are a crafter. (Is that a word?)
What a gorgeous bag you've designed and made! I don't really have any strange things in my bag right now...I guess dental floss is about the most odd.
Lovely bag! The strangest thing in my purse is probably a diecast tractor (my daughter's toy).
Your bag is beautiful. As far as strange things in handbags, aren't all women known for "EVERYTHING" being kept in their bags.
Probably the strangest thing I have in my bag is =No money= I never have any cash its always using the ATM card.
Beautiful purse. Nice blog. Welcome to Quiltbloggers.
Hi Joy, what a pretty bag - a girl can never have too many bags - in my main bag the strangest thing I have is an IVF needle (in a case)from when I donated eggs to a friend nearly a year ago - I found it in a pocket inside a pocket.... PS baby is now due on Mothers Day WOOOHOOOO!
I'm off to mention you on my blog-
hi Joy
I have only just found your blog and I am glad I did
your bag is beautiful
I would love to be in the draw please
hugs Beth
Hi Joy, I love the bag you have made, especially the colours.The strangest thing in my bag would be some doggie biscuits.I have a friend who has a labrador and made the mistake of giving her a biscuit,when I visited, now everytime I go I have to give her one.LOL If I don't she sulks. Regards Lyn
Love the bag! The strangest thing in my purse is a toothbrush. And I have no money but that's not strange for me, LOL!
Hi there
Love the bag. Nothing strange in my bag at present oh except my daughter's half eaten apple! Sandra
The bag is really lovely.
The strangest thing I have in my really large handbag at the moment is a big stone my son collected somewhere and a thing to rip seems (not strange for somebody who sews but in the handbag?)Oh and a Digimon my son gave me as a lucky charm and some empty boxes of my headache medicine. (Many strange things, should think about cleanÃngn the bag.)
Hi Joy
What a stunning bag! I would love to enter, and I have a link on my latest blog post :)
Janelle xx
Threads of Friendship
What a gorgeous bag! The strangest thing I have ever found in my purse was a plastic butter knife (don't ask!!)
gorgeous bag!
I happen to have a shark's tooth that I found on the beach in my bag right now! This has reminded me to remove it :)
Love your new pattern ... ricrac always looks great. There is a red dice in my bag at the moment. Also coloured glass picked up on the beach.
What a darling bag! The most unusual item in my purse? A giant box of Raisinets. Like movie sized box!
The strangest thing in my purse was a hand full of push pins!
Hello Joy
What lovely colours you have used to make your bag. So glad you have found a use for things you bought at the craft show. I especially loved the little butterfly. All the usual things in my handbag-lots of stuff especially lists of DMC threads I need and of course business cards from nice shops I have visited. Very handy to remember where nice things can be purchased from. Happy stitching.
Bev C
Hi Joy, The funniest thing I ever had in my handbag was a pair of little boys jocks while he was toilet training, my girlfriend asked if I had a hankie in my bag, I delved in and pulled out the jocks by mistake! Throw my name in the hat please! :)Kylie
Hi Joy! What a fun giveaway, please enter me! The strangest thing in my bag now are a couple of dental x-rays haha, I don´t want to lose them =)
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